Thanks again for sending me a link to your studies. I took the sentence below from your writing….Based on sister White’s statements we are to recognize this World is under the one demon, but our source of power, strength and victory over it is in Christ and that has nothing to do with going on a business of spelling demons , unless we are faced with a demon possessed person, as in the days of Jesus on this earth. Please correct me if I’m not understanding it properly.
One of the things that bothers me about such deliverance ministries within SDA churches is that they use one of the fundamental beliefs to justify the ministry ( 11th if I’m not mistaken). And as far as I understand the implementation of those so called fundamental beliefs came after Vatican ll. (They can be changed).
………. White’s statements should not be taken to mean that there is only one demonic entity for each category, nor do White’s statements exhaust the possibility that there are other such categories of satanic spirits who are identified by their work or purpose.
Regardless of any fundamental belief from official church channels EGW said “Souls possessed of evil spirits will present themselves before us. We must cultivate the spirit of earnest prayer mingled with genuine faith to save them from ruin. And all the relief gained will confirm our faith.” {21MR 338.4}.
The Bible says “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;” Mark 16:17.
The Bible and the SOP firmly confirm the ministry of casting out devils. The problem is that because by and large Adventism has not really studied the subject there is a vacuum that has developed where practices that have come into Adventism from denominations that have a different understanding of Bible truth.
Jesus did give us the example of commanding the demonic force to identify themselves. In this case they revealed themselves to be Legion (or many), and after that was commanded to depart. How far we are to go in that practice is a case for greater study. As with all things dealing with the demonic, great caution should be exorcised, and yet at the same time, we should not refuse to help those who come to us for help just because may not be fully theologically informed.
I have had personal experience with the demonic in casting out evil spirits. In one instance a young man I was prayer for with a friend, told us after we had prayed, and prayed specifically for the demonic entities to leave, he told us that while we were praying he heard screaming in his head, and then it left.
In the OT you find little with regards to demonic activity in comparison with the NT when it was everywhere. That is because the Son of God had descended and Satan was forced to show himself. The same will happen again, as the Holy Spirit truly fill’s God’s people we will be brought into confrontation with the demonic in a way we are not used to now. That is not to frighten us but to warn us to prepared–AS GOD LEADS–to face this. I don’t want anyone rushing into this kind of work without a good study on what God would have use understand and practice.
Dear brother Marko,
Thanks again for sending me a link to your studies. I took the sentence below from your writing….Based on sister White’s statements we are to recognize this World is under the one demon, but our source of power, strength and victory over it is in Christ and that has nothing to do with going on a business of spelling demons , unless we are faced with a demon possessed person, as in the days of Jesus on this earth. Please correct me if I’m not understanding it properly.
One of the things that bothers me about such deliverance ministries within SDA churches is that they use one of the fundamental beliefs to justify the ministry ( 11th if I’m not mistaken). And as far as I understand the implementation of those so called fundamental beliefs came after Vatican ll. (They can be changed).
………. White’s statements should not be taken to mean that there is only one demonic entity for each category, nor do White’s statements exhaust the possibility that there are other such categories of satanic spirits who are identified by their work or purpose.
Hello Rosilene
Regardless of any fundamental belief from official church channels EGW said “Souls possessed of evil spirits will present themselves before us. We must cultivate the spirit of earnest prayer mingled with genuine faith to save them from ruin. And all the relief gained will confirm our faith.” {21MR 338.4}.
The Bible says “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;” Mark 16:17.
The Bible and the SOP firmly confirm the ministry of casting out devils. The problem is that because by and large Adventism has not really studied the subject there is a vacuum that has developed where practices that have come into Adventism from denominations that have a different understanding of Bible truth.
Jesus did give us the example of commanding the demonic force to identify themselves. In this case they revealed themselves to be Legion (or many), and after that was commanded to depart. How far we are to go in that practice is a case for greater study. As with all things dealing with the demonic, great caution should be exorcised, and yet at the same time, we should not refuse to help those who come to us for help just because may not be fully theologically informed.
I have had personal experience with the demonic in casting out evil spirits. In one instance a young man I was prayer for with a friend, told us after we had prayed, and prayed specifically for the demonic entities to leave, he told us that while we were praying he heard screaming in his head, and then it left.
In the OT you find little with regards to demonic activity in comparison with the NT when it was everywhere. That is because the Son of God had descended and Satan was forced to show himself. The same will happen again, as the Holy Spirit truly fill’s God’s people we will be brought into confrontation with the demonic in a way we are not used to now. That is not to frighten us but to warn us to prepared–AS GOD LEADS–to face this. I don’t want anyone rushing into this kind of work without a good study on what God would have use understand and practice.
I hope this helps.